Saturday, December 24, 2016

Family Fun Activities in this Christmas

Have you ever taken your family out to cut a tree down? This can be a very fun activity for kids because they can walk through and pick their own tree and then plant a new one to replace it.

Look around in your local area to see if you can find a place that allows you to cut your own tree. Once you cut down the tree you can let your children decorate it any way they like.

Many towns have neighborhoods that all decorate their houses lavishly. Take your children to see the lights and drive around neighborhoods and parks to see all the displays.

Children enjoy this very much and they never forget the memory of driving around with mom and dad looking at lights.

Have a different treat each night before going to bed leading up to Christmas. Number the treats so the kids know how many days it is until Christmas.

You could wrap a cookie in a piece of plastic wrap for each day and write a number on top with frosting or magic marker on the plastic wrap.

Have your family go online and pick one or two Christmas songs that they like on a music download site. This way you can put together your own family Christmas music CD that your family will cherish for years to come.

No matter what kind of activities you choose to do for the holidays, just make sure that everybody enjoys them. The holidays are great time for your family to become closer and enjoy each other's company.

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Family Fun Activities in this Christmas
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