Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Christmas Drinks: Eggnog, Mulled Wine, and Champagne Cocktails

Christmas drinks are a centuries-old tradition. Recipes for mulled wine and eggnog are hundreds of years old. Other Christmas drinks include mulled cider, non-alcoholic eggnog, and elegant champagne cocktails. Christmas drinks are a wonderful way of enhancing the festivities as long as they are enjoyed moderately and responsibly.

Eggnog: the Origin of a Christmas Tradition
Eggnog describes a variety of Christmas drinks made from eggs, milk, and alcohol (usually brandy, rum, or whiskey). Eggnog has been part of the Christmas tradition since 17th century Britain when a powerful beer called nog was a popular drink. At Christmas, nog was mixed with egg yolks, sugar, cinnamon, and lemon rind. This became the basis for our modern version of eggnog.

Eggnog became popular in North America in the 1800s. However, the recipes that characterize our current versions are based on the French style of eggnog, lait de poule (literally "Milk of the Chicken"), in which the French substituted brandy and other spirits for nog.

Because eggs can contain salmonella bacteria, it is important to heat the eggs you will use for your eggnog to 170 °F to kill any bacteria and avoid food poisoning with Christmas drinks.

Eggnog Recipe
(Adapted from eggnog recipe on

  • 3 cups whole milk
  • 7 large eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup whiskey 
  • 1/3 cup rum or brandy
  • 2 cups heavy cream 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

(alcohol can be halved to produce a less potent eggnog)

In a large heavy saucepan, heat the milk just to the boiling point. Do not let the milk boil.

As the milk heats, whisk the eggs and sugar in a large bowl. Add the hot milk in a steady stream, whisking as you pour.

Return the milk/egg mixture to the saucepan, and cook over moderately low heat for six to seven minutes. If you have a cooking thermometer, the eggnog should reach 170 °F.

Once cooked, pour the entire mixture through a fine sieve into a large bowl. Stir in the whiskey, brandy/rum, heavy cream, vanilla extract, and nutmeg.

Allow the eggnog to cool completely at room temperature. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours before drinking. Ideally, allow 24 hours of refrigeration to allow the flavor to mellow.

For a child-friendly, non-alcoholic version, leave out the liquor.

Mulled Cider
CiderMulled cider is another Christmas tradition in many households. There's nothing like a hot cup of mulled cider by the fireside after romping in the snow. This version of mulled cider uses nonalcoholic cider, as opposed to "hard" cider.

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • dash of salt 
  • 8 cups nonalcoholic cider 
  • 1 3-inch stick cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon whole allspice
  • 1 teaspoon whole cloves
  • dash of nutmeg
  • orange slices for garnish

Combine the sugar, salt, and cider in a large pan. Tie all the spices up in a cheesecloth bag and add to the cider. Bring to a slow boil, reduce the heat, and simmer for twenty minutes. Pour into mugs and garnish with orange slices.

Mulled Wine Christmas Drinks
Mulled wine is a Christmas tradition older than most other Christmas drinks, including the venerable eggnog. Mulled wine recipes date back to medieval Europe. Wine often went bad in the middle ages, but by simmering herbs and spices in the wine, it was still possible to enjoy drinking it.

When making mulled wine it is very important that the wine not comes to a boil. If it does, the flavor of the mulled wine will be ruined. You don't need to purchase a high-quality wine for mulled wine: any fruity red will do.

Mulled Wine
(Adapted from Mulled Wine Recipe on

  • 2 lemons
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 bottle red wine
  • Nutmeg and cloves (to taste)
  • 2 ounces brandy
  • 1 cup sugar (optional)

Slice the lemons and oranges. Heat the wine in a saucepan: do not boil. Add the fruit, brandy, nutmeg and cloves to the wine. If using sugar, add when the wine is hot. Pour into mugs and garnish with cinnamon sticks, or, for Christmas drinks, candy canes.

Champagne Cocktails
Champagne cocktails make elegant Christmas drinks that are a great way to toast the holidays. A morning glory offers a nice variation of the traditional mimosas for your Christmas brunch! Or, stay in the Christmas theme and make poinsettia champagne cocktails!

Morning Glory Champagne Cocktails

  • 1 ounce Grand Marnier
  • Champagne
  • orange juice

Pour grand Marnier into the champagne. Fill approximately half the glass with orange juice and top with champagne. For non-alcoholic "champagne cocktails" substitute a non-alcoholic sparkling cider for the champagne.

Poinsettia Champagne Cocktails 

  • Champagne
  • 1 ounce Chambord 
  • cranberry juice 
  • splash of soda water (optional)

Fill a champagne flute half full with your favorite champagne. Add an ounce of Chambord and top off with cranberry juice. If you find the cocktail too sweet, add a splash of soda water to lighten the flavor.

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Christmas Drinks: Eggnog, Mulled Wine, and Champagne Cocktails
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