Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hosting a Holiday Cookie Exchange Party

Hosting or participating in a Christmas cookie swap or holiday cookie exchange is a wonderful way to spend time with friends, try new cookies and lighten your holiday cookie baking load. Successfully hosting a cookie exchange party is easy. With some advance planning, Christmas cookie swaps can be a fun way to exchange your favorite cookies and cookie recipes with other partygoers.

Start Planning Your Cookie Exchange Party Early
As with any party, if you're hosting a cookie swap party, plan the time and date well ahead of time. Remember that the holidays are a busy time for everyone and that more people are likely to attend if you set the date for your holiday cookie exchange as early as possible.

Your guests' schedules may be too tight late in the holiday season, so hold Christmas cookie swaps before Christmas, but not so far ahead of the holiday that you and your guests won't be in a festive mood. A great time to host a holiday cookie exchange is early in December since many people will have extra time over the Thanksgiving holiday to do some baking.

Organize Invitations for Your Cookie Swap Party
People who love cookies generally love cookie swaps. Make a list of friends, relatives, neighbors and coworkers to invite to your cookie swap party. The more guests, the more types of cookies you'll have to swap!

To know the exact number of people who will be attending your cookie exchange, keep track of guests' responses to your cookie swap party invitations. Create a simple chart with the guests' names, whether or not they are attending and the type of cookie they plan to bring:

Guest NameYesNoType of Cookie
Kathryn LivingstonYesPersian Almond Cookies
Margaret EvansNoN/A

You can also consider using electronic invitations to invite people to your cookie swap party.

If you are hosting a cookie exchange party, it is your job as host to keep track of who is bringing what type of cookie and to avoid duplications. Remind cookie exchange party guests to bring extra tins, plastic bags or plastic containers to the holiday cookie exchange so that they can take home their goodies.

How Many Cookies Will You Need?
Guests should bring enough cookies to the cookie exchange so that everyone can sample some of the cookies at the cookie swap party and then take some of each cookie home after the party.

You should base the number of cookies each guest should bring to the cookie exchange on the number of guests. For example, if you have 10 guests, ask each person to bring 11 dozen cookies to the cookie swap party. This will ensure that everyone will receive a dozen of each cookie and that there will be enough cookies left over to sample during the cookie exchange.

Remember to Bring Recipes to the Cookie Exchange
When hosting a cookie exchange party, remind your guests to bring enough copies of their cookie recipes for everyone. Part of the fun of a holiday cookie exchange is sharing recipes and the stories behind them.

If you like, you can create a cookie swap cookbook as a souvenir. Ask your cookie exchange guests to send you a copy of their recipes a week before the cookie swap to give you enough time to bind them into individual cookie swap cookbooks. Distribute these cookie swap cookbooks to your guests on the day of the cookie exchange party.

One Final Tip for Hosting a Cookie Exchange Party
If you are hosting a cookie swap party, consider offering your guests some drinks and snacks. During a cookie exchange, you and your guests will be eating a lot of cookies, so serve drinks and savory snacks to compliment all that wonderful cookie sweetness!

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Hosting a Holiday Cookie Exchange Party
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